CSP Featured Artist: Ornella Savarese
Contact Graphixly @
How did you become an artist?
At first, it started as an hobby while I was studying Business Economics to get a degree and find my place - in the meantime, between books, I’ve always been drawing on my own, and I started by writing, drawing and self-publishing my short comic series “Gimkhana”, from 2015 to 2018, both online and then on paper, printing and selling physical copies in some comic conventions in Italy. My self-publishing journey, got me noticed by the artist agency TomatoFarm and french publishers, who took me in my first adventures as a professional in different series, until I landed in the USA comics too!
I will never forget the self-publishing experience, and I will sure continue with it and with my personal series!
Where do you get inspiration?
I do have so many artists I admire online, some of them are my friends too and I feel so lucky to have such inspiring mates ! Also French comics are my main inspiration, both in style and direction, and I love historical movies, period dramas, while I’m discovering sci-fi too. Inspiration can come from the most different sources and even if I tend to stay in my comfort zone, I’m discovering more and more every time.
What’s your hardware setup?
I’m currently working with a 2017 iMac and a Cintiq 16 pro, named “Cinzia” (aye I give names to my stuff).
What do you like best about Clip Studio Paint?
I LOVE the smoothness of the trait. It feels like the Clip Studio brushes perfectly transmit the pressure and the movements of the pen and I would never change that anymore! Once you try it, you can’t go back.
How long does it take you to make a single illustration?
Ah, difficult to say! When it’s for work, I must stay in a day or two, while when it’s for hobby or myself, it can take a bit more, for I just completely relax and refine it on and on.
Would you consider Clip Studio Paint an industry tool?
Yes, I definitely think it’s one of the “must have” both for comics and illustration!
Would you like to promote some recent project?
Can’t say it’s live yet, but I’m slowly rebooting my personal series “Gimkhana”, and I’m often posting WIPs online, while waiting to make it return!
Where can we follow your work?
My main channels are Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ella.savarese/
and Artstation https://www.artstation.com/ornellasavarese
*** Ornella is doing a #Giveaway with us! Reach her post on Instagram, follow her, @graphixly and leave a comment. Winners of Clip Studio Paint Pro will be announced on June 21, good luck! ***
Great Native American work. You have a wonderful talent.