CSP Featured Artist: Goldi

CSP Featured Artist: Goldi

Contact Graphixly @

How did you become an artist?

I was not the art kid in school, in fact, I was always really bad at drawing. My journey started a couple of years after school when I wanted to try out a new hobby. My parents supported me, bought me some art supplies and I searched for a mentor online. But the motivation quickly faded after I thought the famous words: "I am just not talented. I can't draw."

A while later I found friends online and fell in love with these people. I wanted to have them "by my side" whenever I was doing my daily routine. The only catch: I didn't have any photos of them because we never met. So I took out my drawing supplies and I started drawing what we experienced together online in own illustrations. Of course the paintings looked horrible at the beginning but I didn't care. I loved them. From then on I kept drawing illustrations I am "currently missing", mostly involving those friends, and the progress just automatically happened. Also to give a happy ending to the story: That was six years ago, meanwhile we met quite often and those same people will be attending at my wedding in August. My friends carried my art career.



Where do you get inspiration?

Despite of course my friends being my inspiration number one, I take very long time to think about the scenery I want to create and search pretty long for references. I mostly just google, since I usually know what I am looking for. But I also use own photos. I tend to photograph everything I see in nature. The website sketchfab.com often saves my perspective problems. For the human body, I love to use the Clip Studio Modeler as a reference.



What’s your hardware setup?

I draw on my Windows PC with my old Wacom One but I am thinking about getting some more advanced tablet for the future. I like to draw on no-screen tablets. Yet I sometimes use my Apple iPad 8th Generation.



What do you like best about Clip Studio Paint?

I just love the modeler! It helped me a lot with positioning, anatomy and perspective. What I also fell in love with is the decoration tool since this helps creating environmental paintings in such a short amount of time.

How long does it take you to make a single illustration?

It's hard to specify that. I have illustrations that took over 40 hours, others only took one.

How has Clip Studio Paint improved your workflow?

Clip Studio Paint helps me a lot with landscapes and perspective. I love trying out new brushes to create different styles. Also the modeler is a game changer.

Would you like to promote some recent project?

I am still quite new on Patreon. Patrons are able to vote on what I draw next, they see my stuff in early access and I publish some of my drawing files in PSD format. Secret announcement: All of my paid Patrons will get a chibi of their choice in May. If you want to support me and get some nice rewards, you can find my Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/GoldiArt/



Where can we follow your work?

The best way to follow me is Instagram. If you don't have that, I can highly recommend checking out my website: https://goldiart.carrd.co/